Friday, April 27, 2018

We have lots of business opportunity , let's do something...

Nepal lies between two of the fastest growing economies of the world, India and China
As a least developed country, Nepal is entitled to preferential treatment in a number of rich markets. Two other advantages, according to investors already in Nepal, are a low-cost and non-hostile workforce and a small and accessible bureaucracy.
The natural as well as cultural assets of Nepal offer very substantial opportunities to investors.
The country has a range of climatic conditions - from the tropical to the sub-arctic - and a terrain that is mountainous in the north, hilly in the middle and near sea level in the south. Many niche agricultural products can thus be grown in Nepal, medicinal herbs and high-quality tea being but two examples.

There is huge potential for hydropower. About 44,000 MW is thought to be economically feasible, which may be contrasted with about 800 MW currently being generated. Nepal has not been able to exploit much of its potentiality and the people in Nepal still face severe power shortages. In order to harness and develop hydropower, the government is encouraging private foreign investment in this sector. In the last several years, the government under competitive basis has been awarding licenses to private sector developers with over 5000MW of hydropower development in various stages of progress where well known international and domestic firms are involved. This priority sector provides great opportunities for contractors, equipment suppliers, and consultants alike.

There is scope for foreign investment in other areas/sectors also. Tourism is another area with enormous potential. Nepal has spectacular natural assets such as Mount Everest - the Top of the world - and seven other peaks of 8,000 meters and higher. It also has a rich cultural heritage and a great diversity of ethnic groups with distinctive traditions: Lumbini in western Nepal is the birthplace of the Buddha, while Bhaktapur in the Kathmandu valley is a perfectly preserved mediaeval town full of Hindu temples. Tremendous opportunities exist in developing tourism / hotel projects and resorts in Nepal.
Other trade opportunities include telecommunications equipment, ICT equipment, water resources equipment, and aircraft parts. The major telecom players are in expansive mode. Other upcoming opportunities also include civil aviation infrastructure, toll fast track roads, and railways.

Other areas like Software Development; Leather and Textile; Pharmaceutical; Electronic and the Service Industries also carry high possibilities of foreign investment. Other sectors such as Medicinal and Aromatic Herbs; Flower and Vegetable Seeds; Floriculture and Sericulture; Processing of Spices, Coffee; Fruits and Dairy Products; Vegetable and Mushroom Farming and Tea, also carry high possibilities of foreign investment. Minerals that includes Stone and Limestone; Talc; Silica; Dolomite; Iron-ore; Oil and Natural Gas needs to be further explored.

There are lots of potential business opportunities in Nepal. Don't worry about the changing political climate. It is always ups and downs. However, there are many foreign companies working and creating jobs in the country. You can easily establish a business relation with Nepalese entrepreneur who will show you the way how to setup new venture or partnering with existing companies to expand your future business in Nepal.

Some Tips why you got a chance to start business in Nepal:
A. There are crisis all around (electricity, water, fuel, communication, inflation). Remember crisis is an opportunity for an entrepreneur, and for you to become a multi-millionaire while serving fellow Nepali and beyond.
B High unemployment rates means you can build a team around motivated youths who are desperately looking to stay employed. Plus, you get their goodwill and hopefully loyalty to build a sustainable company in the long run.
C. Youths are leaving to work abroad,(1500 a day in 2014), which means less competition for you.
D. Workers abroad (2.5 million or more) send back more than US $5 Billion a year (2014). Find out how to do a good business catering to them and their families. The market for the poor is huge! Serve these billion dollar customers!

E Win business from customers by showing your consistently delivering track record and honest intentions! Many of your competitors might be taking the short-cut to success by using corruption.

Take advantage of this unique situation. Learn that they can never compete against you in terms of transparency, honesty (and probably quality also). If your corrupt rivals try to out- maneuver you, challenge them to open their accounts, and get the sensation hungry media on them or the government watchdogs to inspect them!
For example, open a good hygienic gudpak' or sweets shops to out-compete with corrupt, shady ones that exist today.

Nepal is fast becoming a consumer driven nation. We buy a lot and throw away a lot. From cloths to recycling there is opportunity. Why do you think there are 1000's of families dedicated to recycling our trash? Why do you think shops after shops are opening in Malls? Serve our consumer driven nation with quality, affordable price and superior customer service!

Industries built right after civil strife or wars can last for a long time as proved by the industries that opened after the Second World War in much of Europe and US. So start now when there is less competition.
High unemployment rates means you can build a team around motivated youths who are desperately looking to stay employed. Plus, you get their goodwill and hopefully loyalty to build a sustainable company in the long run.

Thursday, April 19, 2018

"रानी मुखर्जी: मेरी पहिलो प्रेमिका"

त्यो पोस्टकार्डको जमाना थियो । हिरो हिरोईनको फोटो पछाडि शुभकामनाका शब्दहरु कोरेर साथीहरुबिच चाडपर्वहरुमा भावनाको साटासाट हुन्थ्यो । त्यो बेला मसंग मात्रा एउटै नायिकाको पोस्टकार्ड हुन्थ्यो- रानी मुखर्जीको । मलाई याद छ, १९९६ मा रिलिज भएको रानीमुखर्जी अभिनित' राजाकी आएगी बारात' नामक फिल्म हेरे पस्चात म उनको 'डाई हर्ट' फ्यान भएको थिए । कैलो आँखा, कालि-काली हिस्सी परेकी, हँसिली र फरासिली ति नायिकालाई पहिलो पटक पर्दामा देख्ने बित्तिकै उनको अनुहार मेरो आँखामा छाप्पिएको थियो र दिलको
भित्तामा टाँस्सिएको थियो । भर्खर जुँगाको रेखी बस्न सुरुगरेको मेरो किसोर मानसपटलमा 'रानी'को त्यही तस्विरले राज गर्न थालेको थियो । ततपस्चात सोही बर्षमा उनको आर्को फिल्म मेहन्दी आयो । त्यो हेर्दासम्म रानी प्रतिको मेरो एकतर्फी माया झनै बढी सकेको थियो । १९९८ मा रिलिजभएको 'गुलाम' सम्म आइपुग्दा मसंग करीव ३०० वटा रानीका पोस्टकार्डहरु जम्मा भईसकेका थिए । म - रानीसंग देखिने आमिर, साहरुख र सलमान लागाएत कसैलाई पनि मन पराउन्नथे, फोटो बाटनै छुटाई दिन्थे ।

त्यसताका हाम्रो घरमा कालो खोल ओडेको एउटा फुच्चे रेडियो थियो । त्यो रेडियोको कान बटार्दा कहिले काही अस्पस्ट आवाजमा अल इन्डिया रेडियो सुनिन्थ्यो । एक पटक त्यो रेडियोले रानी मुखर्जी स्पेसल गानाहरु बजायो । त्यो दिन, मार्च २१ अर्थात रानीकै जन्म अवसर । अल इन्डिया रेडियोले रानीको फिल्मी यात्राको बारेमा जानकारी दिंदै पत्रचारको ठेगाना समेत् बतायो । मैले ठुटे पेन्सिल समातेर उनको ठेगाना घरको भित्तामा कोर्न भ्याएँ । त्यस दिन देखी मैले अाफ्ना प्रेमभावलाई शब्दमा उतारेर कापिको सेतो पानामा कोर्न थाले र मंगलबजारको पत्र मंजुखा मार्फत रानीलाई पत्र पठाउन थालें । मैले रानीको नाममा धेरै पत्रहरु लेखे र ति पत्रहरुमा मैले आफ्नो 'माया'लाई प्रकट गरे, कहिले गीत लेखें, कहिले गजल लेखे अनी कहिले कबिता कोरें । जे जे लेखें रानीकै नाममा लेखे । तर बिडम्बना ति पत्रहरुको कुनै पनि प्रतिकृया आएन ।
मैले काीब ३ बर्ष सम्म रानीको नाममा पत्र लेख्दै र पठाउंदै गरे । स्कुल जाँदा पकेट खर्च स्वरुप पाइने खाजा खर्च जोगाएर पोस्ट कार्डहरु किनें , पत्रचार गर्दा हुलाक टिकट किनें र फिलिम हेर्ने खर्च को रुपमा बचत गरेर राखे । मलाई रानीको जवाफ आउने ठुलो आशा थियो तर त्यो कहिल्यै आएन । सन २००० सम्म आइपुग्दा उनको 'बिच्छु' भन्ने फिलिम रिलिज भयो जस्मा रानीको रोल अलिक फरक थियो, जुन मेरो मनले रुचाएन , त्यस पस्चात भने मेरो एकतर्फी प्रेमको अन्त्य भएको थियो ।शायद यत्तिखेरसम्म मैले रानी र म बिचको खाडल बुझिसकेको थिएं ।

आज उनै रानी अभिनित ' हिच्की' हेरें, अनलाइन लिंक मार्फत । फेरी त्यही पुरानो दिनको याद ताजा भएर आयो । उनिप्रतिको मेरो ३ बर्सिय एकतर्फी प्रेमको त्यो अबोध पलहरु सम्झँदा आँफैप्रती हाँसो लागेर आयो । अभिनयमा बेजोडसंग जम्ने रानीको 'हिच्की' हेरिरहँदा स्कुले जीवनका शिक्षकहरुको एकएक अनुहार पनि याद दिलायो । सांच्चै, एउटा राम्रो सिनेमा हेर्नबाट झन्नै चुकेको महसुस भयो । सबैले हेर्नै पर्ने फिल्म बनेको छ 'हिच्की' । आमिर खानको 'सेक्रेट सुपर स्टार' हेरेर मेरा आँखाहरु रसाएका थिए तर आज फेरी 'हिच्की'ले पुन: भिजाइदिएको छ । एउटा उदाहरणिय सामाजिक सन्देश बोकेर आएकी 'रानी' प्रती पुन: मायाको टुसो पलाएर आयो । फेरी सुरुवात उही एकतर्फी प्रेमको ।